Welcome to my Studio Diary (Week of Aug. 25 ’13)

Sooo because I’m not much of a blogger this is kind of my foray and also a chance to connect. It’s
taken a while to set up (my original blog has just left myspace lol) but here it is.

This week has been tumultuous and frankly cray-cray. So currently I am finishing up my new EP, Model Behaviour Vol 1.
I wrote it pretty quickly but changes in vocal coaches, issues with the music and also my unstable weight has delayed it.
I honestly planned it for September in time for Fashion Week but it aint happening. As I mentioned before my weight is
not cooperating and I’m at my max weight (not revealing it lol!!. It’s just been a crazy summer of ups and downs and
I love sweets so that’s another issue of mine. As my bro says I’m a fat b*tch inside haha. I digress so hopefully in Oct
the record will come out. I have two new vocal coaches and am gearing up for videos, shows and cutting the fat.

Aside from the record I am sad that I won’t be walking for Fashion Week cuz of my huge ass lol but there is always
February. I just got back from Vegas from a verrrry much needed Family Vacay and have a lot of downtime from work
which is great!! I am dying to go somewhere else. As summer unofficially comes to an end I am doing a lot of reflecting.
My bday is less than a month away (Sept 23rd) and so I want to accomplish some things. Oct I WILL learn to drive!!
And just really set myself up for what I want. I am also getting into Charity work for kids. Demi luh tha keeds!!
I am doing a song for a little girl in the hospital (on my 3rd re-record perfection knows no bounds) and I will be performing Tunes for tots in Nov. to raise money for the kiddies.

Personally I am feeling creative but drained from responsibilities. I need to pop it up in the clubs for labor day
and relaxxx. Having issues with my bf all week too so fingers crossed that things work out =(

On a side note I went to the VMAs for the 1st time ever on Sunday and wow it was amazeballs. 10x more crazy than
what anyone could see on TV. JT killed it!!! and I loved Gaga and Miley. Say what you will about the Miley performance I loved it and she was having fun. Was she ratchet as hell? Yeahhhhh but I was entertained and the music was pumpin. I think it really controversial because of her Disney past. Would we have the same reaction if it was Rihanna or someone older?

PS I just killed a giant ass mosquito. The bastoid must have been the one biting me these last 2 days. Sigh.
‘Bout to work out so see ya next week xoxo Demi